Fertility Awareness Method Paper Chart

Chart your cycle for birth control accuracy.

Your FAM Chart Includes:

  • Basal body temperature tracking
  • Cervical mucus tracking
  • Peak day, LH, and intercourse tracking
  • A space for notes and CM descriptions
  • Labels for the month, year, and your luteal phase length

Your personalized Fertility Awareness Method paper chart.

Prevent pregnancy without hormones and unwanted
side-effects with The Fertility Awareness Method.

Did you know that you're only fertile about 6 days a month?

With Fertility Awareness Method, you will learn how to interpret your body's fertile and infertile clues so you can make educated decisions on how you want to avoid pregnancy.

Charting your fertile clues on paper can be a beautiful way to connect to your body and begin learning the method!

Free Fertility Awareness Method Paper Chart

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